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Sep 27

November 2, 2024

Zugzwang is a German word that translates to “obligation to move”. It is commonly used in chess to describe a situation where a player is forced to make a move that will worsen their position.

We, in our personal lives, often find ourselves in moments of Zugzwang; where regardless of the effort, downfall becomes inevitable. Yet, without a choice, we continue to exist within it; attempting to move on and navigate life in a state of blissful ignorance.

Zugzwang also exists in more layers beyond the personal sphere. It occurs as a shared experience to all human beings of the modern world. As we are inherently designed to interact, explore and transform within a globally connected dysfunctional world of climate deterioration, hunger, inequality, multi generational genocides and other constantly evolving chains of despair – without a choice, we are bound to take actions that ultimately contribute to the expansion of the inevitable dystopia. Yet, without a choice, we continue to exist within it; attempting to move on and navigate life in a state of blissful ignorance.

Perhaps the moment of Zugzwang has already happened to us historically as a species thousands of years ago when we, the homo sapiens gained cognition. We are brought into this randomly/naturally occurring universe with a unique awareness of self, the ability to question the meaning of existence and a need to explore the unknown. In an effort to fulfill this unquenchable thirst to find the meaning of life, we venture into the endless journey of deciphering the universe. We are made aware of the uncomfortable temporariness of life. Yet, without a choice we continue to exist within it; attempting to move on and navigate life in a state of blissful ignorance. 

Zugzwang, the art show developed by Ata Mojlish is an attempt to capture the essence of this personal, public and historical obligation to navigate the world from a position of certain disparity. It features a range of desynchronized text, images, audio and interactive motion elements. It questions the definition of being and invites the viewer to explore controlled hesitations, playful deceit and attempts to raise the curtains from the commonly occurring ignorance that is perhaps necessary to navigate in a state of zugzwang.

LAKES exhibition installed in GLHF gallery, march 2021

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About the artist(s)

Ata Mojlish


Ata Mojlish a Bangladeshi new media artist and curator currently living in Austin, Texas. His work often uses the digital media to explore the sense of self, notions of immigrant displacement, the socio-economic systems of the world, and a multilayered understanding of home.

Ata Mojlish’s work is an effort of enabling the senses that help manifest awareness on some level. His artmaking process often starts with concepts that display an accepted definition of reality. They are then reconstructed, lifting the curtain from several versions of the truth that grew a habit of staying suppressed in plain sight.

In addition to his art practice, Ata also co-founded two distinct Bangladesh based art collectives named Ghartera and Cartoon People. He currently works in Austin as the senior graphic designer of the digital media agency, Optimal.

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